Award-Winning Research on Rhythmic Literacy

In 2021, I started my research on Rhythmic Literacy in Higher Education in collaboration with Simon Holoweiko (Associate Director of Bands, LSU), Jason Bowers (Instructor of Music Education, LSU), and Shannon McDonald (Adjunct Professor of Music, Texas Woman’s University).
In 2022, I spearheaded a study exploring American music educators’ experiences and perspectives on music students with difficulty in rhythmic literacy in higher education. Since then results from the study have been presented at the Louisiana Music Educators Association Conference, the Midwest Clinic, the Texas Music Educators Association Clinic Convention, the ClarinetFest, the International Scientific and Artistic Conference at the Penderecki Academy of Music in Poland, the University of North Texas, Baylor University, Texas Christian University, and Louisiana State University. The study won first prize at the 2023 International Clarinet Association Research Competition.
The article entitled, “Enhancing Rhythmic Literacy in Woodwind Lesson Settings – Poprawa umiejętności rytmicznych w nauczaniu gry na instrumentach dętych drewnianych” has been published in Polish by the Penderecki Academy of Music in 2024. Another article focusing on the perspectives of clarinet instructors will be published by the International Clarinet Association’s Clarinet Journal this fall! Stay Tuned!